In game name: spirit_boy
Class: barbarian
Current level: 95
Hours you can play: 6-7 per day
Time zone you are in: GMT -1
Other characters: none
Current HP unbuffed and buffed: normal 7836/10187 Tiger: 10187/12538
Build and gears : i will put when they repair calc
Magic def: 2603
Physical def: normal: 7488 Tiger: 10455
Tw experience: none
Mainly played position: i can learn any
Can you attend TW: yes
What days: friday,saturday and sunday
do you have vent: yes i do
do you have a mic: yes
current and previous faction: RedArmy now Skynet
Reason why u arent in them: im not in RedArmy because only 2 people were online each day
Whay should we consider you: im loyal to faction, always free to help anyone ,love to pk and need experienced people for FC,TT and Nirvana
Who reffered you to this faction: tjmatts and MysticJ