In game name: /Ehsan/
Current Level:100
How many hours can you play?4-5 hours
Time usually played? when i'm free
Other characters/alt:barb and bm both lv 52 though and cleric 77
Current HP buffed and unbuffed: 6k+ and 4.6k
Build and gears:close to pure dex. gonna reset for pure dex. gears TT90 going for tt 99 gold atm. Hook and thorn. pm me plz for others info
Mdef/Pdef: mostly 3k and 2.8k unbuffed
TW experiences:
Mainly played positions:
Can you attend TW?yes
What days?Thursday-Saturday + if i'm free on others
Do you have Vent:yes
Do you have a mic:yes
Current and previous factions:Banished and previous ca$hshop
Reasons why you aren't in them:need a guild tht does TT, BH and nirvana alot
Why should we consider you?:cause i'm a hard working player. playing only for 3 months and reached here
Who referred you to this faction?:xOneShot
tnx. hope u guys will accapt