In game name: WackoBane
Class: Barbarian
Current Level: 99
Hours you can play: 2-3 hours a day
Time Zone you're in: +1 GM
Other characters/alt: MoRtE__ venomancer 44
Current HP buffed and unbuffed: 8825/11347 unbuffed 11347/13868 buffed
Build and gears:Heavy Armor TT90, going to gold 99 than nirvana
Please use:
Mdef/Pdef: 7759/10692
TW experiences: (EndOfDays, BlackFox)
Mainly played positions: (Base buffer, atk squad, def etc)
Can you attend TW? Yes
What days? Saturday and/or Sunday
Communication(This is a MUST)~
Do you have Vent: Yes
Do you have a mic: Yes
Current and previous factions: cashop
Reasons why you aren't in them: to join SugaWater
Why should we consider you?: i'll help when we have to go in TW, Nirvana, TT and what else we need!
Who referred you to this faction?: i was in Cashop