In game name:xeniia
Class: archer
Current Level:91
How many hours can you play? 7Hs
Time usually played? 5
Timezone? (GMT-03)
Other characters/alt: None
Current HP buffed and unbuffed: 4978- 6543
Build and gears:full tt90 all +4
Please use:
Mdef/Pdef: Mdef - Pdef 2966
TW experiences: Yes
Mainly played positions: Attack and Defend
Can you attend TW? Yes
What days? All days
Do you have Vent: Yes
Do you have a mic: Yes
Current and previous factions: Current: cobra
Reasons why you aren't in them: To progress
Why should we consider you?: To be with you in pvp
Who referred you to this faction?: Fionina