In game name: TeFakkk
Class: Blademaster
Current Level: 91
Hours you can play: 4-5 hours per day ( when im not at work more )
Time Zone you're in: GMT
Other characters/alt: CrYsSsT / 51 sin just started
Current HP buffed and unbuffed: 5835fist/6170axe(unbuffed) / 7585fist/8021axe(buffed)
Build and gears:Heavy
Please use: Tried lots of time but dont work..every time im going on website im getting an error i will keep trying! Sorry , and if that help i can post maybe a SS to see my build for momment.
Mdef/Pdef: 2340/9076
TW experiences: Takoda (with a char i sold it called _DerBedeuU_)
Mainly played positions: 2 times both times in Def
Can you attend TW? Yes!
What days? Friday Saturday and Sunday
Communication(This is a MUST)~
Do you have Vent: Yes
Do you have a mic: Yes
Current and previous factions: Unity ex and now in a small faction called Mistyc
Reasons why you aren't in them: For a stupid reason because did some FC`s with them and 70% of FC time they was afk..i said that : never FC with "name" and "name" cuz they are most of time afk in faction chat , they felt offensed and kicked me out.
Why should we consider you?: Dont know if i can do big deal yet but i will offer all my support for bh/tt/fc Nirvana in future
Who referred you to this faction?: whispered tjmatts and asked for info ^^ and here i am