In game name: Cosarus
Class: BM
Current Level: 92
How many hours can you play? from 4hr-9hr
Time usually played? 5hr
Timezone? Eastern
Other characters/alt: lvl71 Cleric, lvl79 Venomancer
Current HP unbuffed and buffed: 6.5k/8.4k
Build and gears:full tt90 Heavy Gear
Please use:
Mdef/Pdef: unbuffed: 2201/7423
TW experiences: No =/
Mainly played positions:
Can you attend TW? Yes
What days? Weekends
Do you have Vent: Yes
Do you have a mic: No
Current and previous factions: Eagleon, Cash$hop
Reasons why you aren't in them: Because all my good friends left
Why should we consider you?: Im fast learning and i could help a lot if you give me the chance
Who referred you to this faction?: xOneShot